Monday, July 16, 2007

Count .NET projects lines

When developing an application using either C#, Visual Basic or C++ in .NET projects we discard to think about what is the amount of the code that we produce, what of the code is commented, etc.
However it is very usefull to have information how many lines of code are written in a file or in a project. Also how many lines of comments are included and so on.
This kind of information will not change anything in your project but should you direct you if the things are going well and can quickly answer you some simple questions - Is there any comments in this file/project? What is the total amount of code lines produced from the beginning of the project? What is the correlation between the autogenerated code and your 'true' code.

I've found a very nice utility that counts the number of lines in a C#, VB or C++ .NET solutions or projects related with the above questions.

Check this out.

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