Thursday, September 13, 2007

DevReach event,Sofia, Bulgaria; 1-2 October, 2007

There will be a realy good event this year about developers in Sofia. This will be the second edition of the DevReach. I think that the first edition was one of the best developers events in Bulgaria and as I can see in the speakers' list and the sessions titles - this year we should expect much more ( Richard Campbell, Dino Esposito, Stephen Forte, Carl Franklin and more).

There is a discount if you register before 18th of September, so hury.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Experts exchange solutions

This is a list with solutions provided by the experts in the Experts exchange for the last week.Remember that if you want to see the solution you must register in the site first.

text box label backcolor change on the fly
CLR Integration: Visual Studio 2003, SQL Server 2005
How can I make the child Form's ToolStrip merge with it's parents? (.NET C++/CLI)
How can I tell if the .Net Framework has been installed on a network
Using, how to send POST request with post data and save the binary response to a file?
Difference between standard and pro version of visual studio
Dynamic Parameter List
License a dll
Unable to Run Exe from Another PC
WebDav & Exchange: Create appointment, avoid overwrite existing one

License a dll
How do I capture the information of the Toolstripmenuitem that was clicked
Unable to Run Exe from Another PC
Menustrip window forms - how do I find the hierarchy of menu items that lead to the menu item clicked and close the dropdownitems
aggregattion in datagridview 2.0
WebDav & Exchange: Create appointment, avoid overwrite existing one
Error loading image

Using, how to send POST request with post data and save the binary response to a file?
How can I get a list of groups in Active Directory and find out who is in those groups
How to communicate with a device (printer or something else) using an ethernet card
Obtaining Host IP Address
Row Already belongs to this table
Function () with multiple Return values
'Send' is ambiguous across the inherited interfaces 'Outlook._MailItem' and 'Outlook.ItemEvents_10_Event'.
Error Handling in MS Word, Merged rows count issue
Dynamic Parameter List

text box label backcolor change on the fly
How can I tell if the .Net Framework has been installed on a network
Understanding "Public Shared" Declaration

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A trip to an ancient world

Last week my dream came true - I've been on a trip to Rome.
Just one week that allows me to see some of the greates things of the world - monumentals, churches and wonderful night life.

It was a pleasure to see another world that was the most powerfull empire in the past. Everything in Rome is fulfilled with energy, glory of the past and smile of the present.

This is a town where you can spent a life and a half to see, understand and become a part of it - not more or less. A life and a half. You can see a monumental or a church right after each corner, you can feel the power of the Catholic Church (even you are not a Catholic).

However I felt the calmness only in those small churches that you can not see on the map. The cursches on those small streets that are not named on the map.

When you see the gloriest Basilica St. Pietro, the Vatican's Museums you will understand why you must another life and half devoted to Rome.

And of course the trip will be incomplete if you don't feel the night life of rome with all the smiled faces of the Italian people, artists and musicians.

If you can afford it - you must definitely go to Rome.